ColorPipe-tools is a set of tools to handle and process LUTs or color spaces.
This project is in line with ColorPipe blog.

It includes :


Based on OpenColorIO, PlotThatLut allows to plot a LUT to understand its color transformation.
If it’s a 3D LUT, it displays a cube; if its a 1D LUT, a curve.

PlotThatLUT is available as a command line tool or as a web service.

Find out more.


Also based on OpenColorIO, LUTLab gathers a set of scripts to convert LUTs or color spaces.

For now, LUTLab is only available in command line but is intended to become part of a web service.

Find out more.


Github : mikrosimage/ColorPipe-tools

License : see LICENSE


  • OpenColorIO / PyOpenColorIO
  • Numpy 1.7.1
  • Scipy 0.12
  • Argparse
  • Clint (optional)

For plot tools

  • Matplotlib 1.2.1

For web app

  • cherryPy 3.2.4